Monday, May 23, 2011

If Only..

If only we could change the way things transpire,
If only we could turn back time,
If only we could change the pathway of destiny,
If only we could be someone else, someone happier, for a while,
If only we could make those beautiful mistakes again,
If only we could save them from becoming mistakes,
If only we could matter more to some, and less to others,
If only we could hold on, to solely the good times and leave behind the worse,
If only we could look beyond regrets and disappointments,
If only we could walk on the ocean,
If only we could show our true selves,
If only we could live for ourselves, and stop with all the pretense,
If only we could love unconditionally, and if we do,
If only we could be loved unconditionally,
If only we could decode God,
If only we could become one,
If only we could be safe living on the edge,
If only we could live, and then live again.